Hello expert,
I have two 3900 series routers configured as hubs (dmvpn ) to do HSRP.
I also configure three 2900 as spokes (dmvpn)
I configure route A as primary router and router B backup.
Let me outline the configuration of Router A.
I configure the two onboard gigabit ports for IP dsl and wireless connections
A switch card was insert on router a given a address for lan connections.
I use dmvpn for the ip dsl tunnel and for the wireless I use site to site vpn with gre
To connect my Spokes to the primary hub ( router A)
On router B I am using the exact configuration use on router A
For the two routers
Ip dsl interface ppp.ppp.ppp.100
Wireless interface ddd.ddd.ddd.117
Lan interface xxx.xxx.xxx.3
Virtual interface xxx.xxx.xxx.1 (for HSRP)
Ip dsl interface ppp.ppp.ppp.100
Wireless Interface ddd.ddd.ddd.117
Lan interface xxx.xxx.xxx.4
Virture interface xxx.xxx.xxx.1
When I fire both router and do fail over testing simulating a primary router failure the
Backup is taken over seamless and continuing routing.
I am using hyperterm to do any minor adjustment but very often a message would break
on either router saying that there is duplicated address on the ip dsl and wireless
I know that this true because am using the same configuration on both routers the only unique addresse is on the lan interfaces.
Can I use the exact configuration on rouer A and router B?
If I have to modify the address of the backup router to have unique addresses how would
this affect my dmvpn and site to site vpn configuration.?