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High CPU Utilization on Cisco 4006 Switch CAT OS

Level 1
Level 1

Hi Everyone,

I have been facing High CPU Utilization issue with few of my Cisco 4006 Switches together from last one month. Out of which 1 switch issue sorted out auto after 2 days however the problem is still exists with rest 3 switches.

They are 6-7 year old and having one SUP engine and other are switch port modules. Kindly share your valuable inputs. Thanks.

5 Replies 5

Level 1
Level 1


could you please share "show process cpu sorted" output ?



Deerfield_IDF.1# (enable) sh proc cpu

CPU utilization for five seconds:  82.94%

                      one minute:  55.31%

                    five minutes:  35.79%

PID Runtime(ms) Invoked    uSecs    5Sec    1Min    5Min    TTY Process

--- ----------- ---------- -------- ------- ------- ------- --- ---------------

1   334894231   0          0         17.06%  44.69%  64.21% -2  Kernel and Idle

2   9           130        1000       0.00%   0.00%   0.00% -2  Flash MIB Updat

3   6458904     5682876    67000      1.81%   1.00%   1.00% -2  SynConfig

4   1117749     925218     3000       0.42%   0.00%   0.00% -2  Statuspoll

5   278519      2270078    1000       0.40%   0.00%   0.00% -2  PwrDevMsgUpd

6   10614       141067     1000       0.00%   0.00%   0.00% -2  StatusPoll 5s

8   3           2          3000       0.00%   0.00%   0.00% -2  SecurityRx

9   2734        29443      1000       0.00%   0.00%   0.00% -2  SWPoll64bCnt

10  47273       695258     5000       0.00%   0.00%   0.00% -2  Earl

11  5361        70609      1000       0.00%   0.00%   0.00% -2  ProtocolFilter

12  13          17         2000       0.00%   0.00%   0.00% -2  connecthelper

13  5           17         1000       0.00%   0.00%   0.00% -2  telnetd

14  0           1          0          0.00%   0.00%   0.00% -2  sshd

15  11635       5538       126000     0.00%   0.00%   0.00% -2  ssh_key

16  1           1          1000       0.00%   0.00%   0.00% -2  ssh_flush

17  280247      10951      27000      0.00%   0.00%   0.00% -2  sntp_recd

18  1           1          1000       0.00%   0.00%   0.00% -2  RMON AlarmTimer

19  0           1          0          0.00%   0.00%   0.00% -2  llcSSTPFlood

20  7570065     137661599  2000       0.45%   0.00%   0.00% -2  gsgScpAggregati

21  21673       35349      24000      0.00%   0.00%   0.00% -2  cdpd

22  4392545     703739     34000      0.73%   0.00%   0.00% -2  cdpdtimer

23  3307642     703083     14000      0.28%   0.00%   0.00% -2  SptTimer

24  10456147    2024395    32000      2.50%   2.00%   2.00% -2  SptBpduRx

25  6068858     698703     14000      1.81%   1.00%   1.00% -2  SptBpduTx

26  5835        11049      1000       0.00%   0.00%   0.00% -2  sntp_xmitd

27  76079       695243     11000      0.00%   0.00%   0.00% -2  VtpTimer

28  560203      6406477    9000       0.60%   0.00%   0.00% -2  ProtocolTimer

29  60065       100752     9000       0.00%   0.00%   0.00% -2  DTP_Rx

30  5309        13936      35000      0.00%   0.00%   0.00% -2  EthChnlRx

31  13193       12898      62000      0.00%   0.00%   0.00% -2  EthChnlConfig

32  430353      6584589    1000       0.20%   0.00%   0.00% -2  sptHelper

33  0           1          0          0.00%   0.00%   0.00% -2  sptTraps

34  4948        70629      1000       0.00%   0.00%   0.00% -2  ciscoRmonTimer

35  4049        70629      1000       0.00%   0.00%   0.00% -2  ciscoUsrHistory

36  83          175        1000       0.00%   0.00%   0.00% -2  rmonMediaIndep

37  2           4          1000       0.00%   0.00%   0.00% -2  SnmpTraps

38  1996223     27252240   2000       0.04%   0.00%   0.00% -2  memPoolMain

39  0           1          0          0.00%   0.00%   0.00% -2  Acct Send Bkg

41  0           1          0          0.00%   0.00%   0.00% -2  l2t_server

43  5552455     110365726  1000       0.00%   0.00%   0.00% -2  SysLogTask

44  43972       695090     2000       0.20%   0.00%   0.00% -2  pinggateA

45  2210447     36543567   2000       0.23%   0.00%   0.00% -2  Authenticator_S

46  30          129        1000       0.00%   0.00%   0.00% -2  dot1x_rx

47  92570       1509089    1000       0.20%   0.00%   0.00% -2  Backend_Rx

48  2322080     30479902   1000       0.62%   0.00%   0.00% -2  Backend_SM

49  88266       1508924    1000       0.00%   0.00%   0.00% -2  Radius Acct Pro

143 10600643    137661619  5000       0.26%   0.92%   0.98% 0   Console

144 1368152     3564668    205000     0.00%   0.00%   0.00% -2  snmpdm

145 710         2192       3000       0.00%   0.00%   0.00% -2  VtpRx

146 113777594   17147095   317000    53.06%  27.76%  10.27% -2  THREAD

147 2928        107        11000      0.00%   0.00%   0.00% 1084559124 telnet147

193 46342263    59036446   12224      6.59%   6.60%   6.70% 0   Packet forwardi

194 26750039    13406633   8849       4.86%   4.71%   4.59% 0   Switching overh

195 44754270    36940544   25000      6.87%   6.84%   6.87% 0   Admin overhead

Deerfield_IDF.1# (enable) show proc mem

Memory Used:   3680768

       Free:   6345248

      Total:  10026016

PID        TTY        Allocated  Freed      Holding    Process

---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------------

1          -2         2652192    509056     2143136    Kernel and Idle

2          -2         96         0          96         Flash MIB Updat

3          -2         851712     259360     592352     SynConfig

4          -2         296101664  296101120  544        Statuspoll

5          -2         64         0          64         PwrDevMsgUpd

6          -2         160        0          160        StatusPoll 5s

8          -2         96         0          96         SecurityRx

9          -2         64         0          64         SWPoll64bCnt

10         -2         320        288        32         Earl

11         -2         224        0          224        ProtocolFilter

12         -2         32         0          32         connecthelper

13         -2         1568       1536       32         telnetd

14         -2         32         0          32         sshd

15         -2         507360     506432     928        ssh_key

16         -2         32         0          32         ssh_flush

17         -2         96         0          96         sntp_recd

18         -2         64         0          64         RMON AlarmTimer

19         -2         0          0          0          llcSSTPFlood

20         -2         1792       1728       64         gsgScpAggregati

21         -2         20380192   20377984   2208       cdpd

22         -2         272497888  272497696  192        cdpdtimer

23         -2         642240     641984     256        SptTimer

24         -2         1263040    1261280    1760       SptBpduRx

25         -2         160        0          160        SptBpduTx

26         -2         32         0          32         sntp_xmitd

27         -2         6912       4128       2784       VtpTimer

28         -2         4536096    4536000    96         ProtocolTimer

29         -2         3867008    3866304    704        DTP_Rx

30         -2         1626880    1124544    502336     EthChnlRx

31         -2         1335232    1250144    85088      EthChnlConfig

32         -2         96         0          96         sptHelper

33         -2         0          0          0          sptTraps

34         -2         64         0          64         ciscoRmonTimer

35         -2         64         0          64         ciscoUsrHistory

36         -2         94752      94656      96         rmonMediaIndep

37         -2         0          0          0          SnmpTraps

38         -2         0          0          0          memPoolMain

39         -2         32         0          32         Acct Send Bkg

41         -2         128        0          128        l2t_server

43         -2         32         0          32         SysLogTask

44         -2         160        0          160        pinggateA

45         -2         4128       4032       96         Authenticator_S

46         -2         32         0          32         dot1x_rx

47         -2         32         0          32         Backend_Rx

48         -2         32         0          32         Backend_SM

49         -2         32         0          32         Radius Acct Pro

143        0          56896      3744       53152      Console

144        -2         2115127488 2114901440 226048     snmpdm

145        -2         8288       7840       448        VtpRx

146        -2         3179827680 3179823008 4672       THREAD

147        1084559124 232768     170880     61888      telnet147

193        0          0          0          0          Packet forwardi

194        0          2011120    0          2011120    Switching overh

195        0          1034092    0          1034092    Admin overhead

Memory Pool Utilization

Memory Pool Type 1Min  5Min  10Min

---------------- ----- ----- -----

DRAM               62%   62%   62%

FLASH              94%   94%   94%

NVRAM              81%   81%   81%

MBUF                0%    0%    0%

CLUSTER             0%    0%    0%

MALLOC             36%   36%   36%

Hi Ahmad,

This is what we can have in CAT-OS, thats it.

#show proc cpu

#show proc mem


The CPU is consumed by THREAD and "Kernel and Idle".

THREAD is the process that actually processes any SNMP request.  The  snmp process first receives any snmp request and then calls the THREAD process to process the request.  The snmp process is invoked by the kernel when the system comes up.  THREAD process will be invoked by the snmp process as soon as it receives a SNMP request.

Kernel is expected to go high during large outputs, so it is likely to you collecting "show proc cpu", etc.

I suggest you to check for excessive SNMP polling. Investigate if there are too many SNMP polls, disable some to low CPU usage or configure ACL to block unwanted SNMP polls.

Kind Regards,
Ivan Shirshin

**Please grade this post if you find it useful.

Kind Regards,
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