Hello everybody,
I still have a problem with my cisco-copy-script that I have created in Notepad++ and is running on PUTTY.
The copy-script is running good so far... but I have one problem left:
For every device "putty" wants me to confirm the copy with the "return"-Button 2 times.
I have tried several things like /f /cr /n "confirm" (in an extra line), but that does not work.
It always says things like "invalid command".
As I have to do the copy job on a regular basis and for almost 100 devices,
it would be awesome to know, how I can implement this 2 confirmations (return-button) in the Putty Copy Script.
Really need some with this issue as it drives me crazy.
I´m grateful for any kind of help/advide.
best regards
REM ==================================================
REM Parameter %1 = switchname
REM Parameter %2 =
REM Parameter %3 =
REM Parameter %4 =
REM Parameter %5 =
REM ==================================================
REM ##### set UserID and PW for Plink
Set User=xxxx
Set PW=xxxx
REM ### set entrys via Plink
putty.exe -ssh %User%@%1 -pw %PW% copy.tftp-COMMAND
??? return-button/confirm/ ???
??? return-button/confirm/ ???
REM ### Write Info Log-File