I'm currently have several WS-C3850-24T, 16.12.08 (CAT3K_CAA-UNIVERSALK9)
I'm monitoring with Observium and it's showing that the current temperature value is beyond the "Min Warn" value.
This value is being read from the devices. (if I manually change them in the software they re-poll and return)
It appears that it's pulling the min value from OID row 1012.3
Does anyone know where I can change that min warn value? It's not appearing in the environment status.
6301-stage2-sw1#show environment temperature status
Inlet Temperature Value: 28 Degree Celsius
Temperature State: GREEN
Yellow Threshold : 46 Degree Celsius
Red Threshold : 56 Degree Celsius
Hotspot Temperature Value: 42 Degree Celsius
Temperature State: GREEN
Yellow Threshold : 105 Degree Celsius
Red Threshold : 125 Degree Celsius