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Smart License - Out of Compliance

Level 1
Level 1

So I am currently deploying two (2) stacks of 9200L switches. I also got the DNA-Essentials with all switches.

I have them stacked and up and running great, but when looking at my license information it shows that I am out of compliance.


Smart Licensing Status

Smart Licensing is ENABLED

Smart Account: ***************************
Virtual Account: DEFAULT
Export-Controlled Functionality: ALLOWED
Initial Registration: SUCCEEDED on Feb 04 14:20:18 2020 DST
Last Renewal Attempt: None
Next Renewal Attempt: Aug 02 14:20:18 2020 DST
Registration Expires: Feb 03 14:15:10 2021 DST

License Authorization:


Status: OUT OF COMPLIANCE on Feb 04 14:20:29 2020 DST
Last Communication Attempt: SUCCEEDED on Feb 05 02:20:30 2020 DST
Next Communication Attempt: Feb 05 14:20:30 2020 DST
Communication Deadline: May 05 02:15:29 2020 DST


License Usage

C9200L Network Essentials, 48-port license (C9200L-NW-E-48):
Description: C9200L Network Essentials, 48-port license
Count: 2
Version: 1.0
Export status: NOT RESTRICTED


C9200L DNA Essentials, 48-port Term license (C9200L-DNA-E-48):
Description: C9200L DNA Essentials, 48-port Term license
Count: 2
Version: 1.0
Export status: NOT RESTRICTED


I have a open case with TAC and have provided all the available information but have not gotten anything back yet. 

This is not that anything is "not working" as everything is currently working great, but the question of after May 05, the "communication deadline" what will stop working. 


Thank you,




1 Accepted Solution

Accepted Solutions

So after working with TAC and then with their smart licensing team. It looks like the Network-Essentials licenses were just not added to my account. I started with 0 and then the next day had 2 and today have 4, so I am sure the rest will pop in now. Thank you all for your time and replies. 

View solution in original post

12 Replies 12

Mark Malone
VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni
I see this in the docs regarding the out of compliance state

Out of Compliance State
This is the state when device is using an entitlement and is not in Compliance (negative balance),
This state is seen when the license does not have an available license in the corresponding Virtual Account that the Cisco device is registered to in the Cisco Smart Account.
To enter into Compliance / Authorized state, a customer must add the correct number and type of licenses to the Smart Account
When in this state the device will automatically send an authorization renewal request every day
Licenses and features will continue to operate and there is no functional impact

Thanks Mark,


TAC is telling me that the Network Essentials license is the "default" that comes with the switch and that the DNA is a "plus".

I understand that, but do not understand then why the "default" license is showing out of compliance, where my "plus" license is showing registered. 



Network "Essentials" means "base": There is no other license "level" below Essentials.
Should Smart Licensing crank up from "enforcement" to "policing", when the "license" expires NOTHING will happen (think about it: What license will it go to if Essentials is the lowest license level, right?).

So after working with TAC and then with their smart licensing team. It looks like the Network-Essentials licenses were just not added to my account. I started with 0 and then the next day had 2 and today have 4, so I am sure the rest will pop in now. Thank you all for your time and replies. 



How can the customer add or associate de License with out of compliance message to his Virtual account.

Thank you

@Leo Laohoo wrote:
Network "Essentials" means "base": There is no other license "level" below Essentials.
Should Smart Licensing crank up from "enforcement" to "policing", when the "license" expires NOTHING will happen (think about it: What license will it go to if Essentials is the lowest license level, right?).

How do you know?

As far as I know, you will lose the following features or the capability to configure them:

Screenshot_2021-02-18 Enterprise Networks Software Subscription Matrix for Switching.png

@User404 wrote:
you will lose the following features or the capability to configure them:

No, you won't.


I refer to this white paper:

Evaluation modes can never allow for the use of Export Controlled functionality due to compliance with U.S. Export law. Otherwise, most hardware-based products will allow for full functionality during the evaluation period, while most software-only products allow for very limited functionality during the evaluation period. For more details on the action that each product takes, including actions when the evaluation period expires, please reference the specific product documentation.


On the other hand, I found this so you could be right:

Right-to-Use (RTU) Licensing was an initial licensing scheme for C9300, C9400, and C9500 up through release 16.8.1a. Smart licensing was not available until 16.9.1.

Starting with the 16.9.1 release until 17.3.1 release, if the licenses were not registered or released they would by default be Eval licenses. After 90 days they would become Eval Expired licenses. Both would indicate the licenses were OUT OF COMPLIANCE. Since all licenses are unenforced, no feature functionality is lost on the device. 

Smart Licensing Using Policy no longer has evaluation states for licenses. Therefore, if any devices have Eval or Eval Expired licenses, when the devices are upgraded to a Smart Licensing Using Policy supported image, all those licenses are seen as IN USE and the Cisco default policy is applied. The licenses are no longer displayed as UNAUTHORIZED or OUT OF COMPLIANCE.

Khaoula jemoui
Level 1
Level 1

hello , 


I have the same issue : 
License Authorization:

could you please share the TAC ticket number ?

Create a new thread (it is free) so we can have a look.

Provide additional information, like what IOS-XE version the switch (or stack) is running on.


the ISR 4000 is running the IOS version 16.12, the issue that the DLC is not working and one license still required and out of compliance.


Thank you

DLC usually takes some time to work.

Keep in mind that in 16.12 you have to be registered to the CSSM and then iniciate the DLC process.

If any license failed to convert after 24 hours open  a ticket with licensing TAC team to assist on manually add the RTU licenses to the smart account.

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