Dear Expert,
I have implemented QoS on switch C3650 uplink port.
But when I showed the policy-map interface x/x/x, i raised a question hope can get answer from all of you.
When i showed the policy-map interface x/x/x, here is the output:
Service-policy output: voice-traffic-out-2
queue stats for all priority classes:
priority level 1
(total drops) 0
(bytes output) 147272
Class-map: voice-traffic-2 (match-any)
337 packets
Match: dscp af41 (34)
0 packets, 0 bytes
5 minute rate 0 bps
Match: dscp cs3 (24)
0 packets, 0 bytes
5 minute rate 0 bps
Priority: 5% (500000 kbps), burst bytes 12500000,
Priority Level: 1
Class-map: class-default (match-any)
698414 packets
Match: any
(total drops) 0
(bytes output) 631404217
bandwidth 95% (9500000 kbps)
From the above output, the class-map voice-traffic-2 match the dscp af41 or dscp cs3. I can see there are 337 packets matched in this class-map, but, why the value on "Match: dscp af41 (34)" and "Match: dscp cs3 (24)" packets are 0?
Here is the configuration for reference:
class-map match-any voice-traffic-2
match dscp af41
match dscp cs3
policy-map voice-traffic-out-2
class voice-traffic-2
priority level 1 percent 5
class class-default
bandwidth percent 95
Thank you so much