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Trying to understand NAT & VLANs, with Cable modem to Catalyst router

Level 1
Level 1

Hello All;

I check in with this issue a few months ago, but got off on some other subjects.  I'm a student at local community college and I have one class, basic Cisco routers, under my belt so I am dangerous.  I'm registered for two classes in Cisco routers starting in January, so I'm trying to refresh my mind about routing, LANs, etc.

To recap, a friend gave me a 1711 Catalyst router, which is somewhat old.  But it works.  I want to try to run it behind a cable modem to the internet and hook 2 computers and game console up to the 4 port switch card  (4esw).  As I understand it, the router should be programmed for NAT, so that the internal hosts (inside) get routed  to the one connection (fastethernet 0) that connects to the cable modem.  The switch card (layer 2) connects to the router via VLAN.

If I set up a computer with a static address (192.168.1.?, I can ping from computer to switch card and from computer to the ip address that the fa0 port picks up from the cable modem via dhcp.  But I get nothing from the internet.

Here's my running-config.

Router#show running-config

Building configuration...

Current configuration : 1013 bytes


version 12.3

service timestamps debug datetime msec

service timestamps log datetime msec

no service password-encryption


hostname Router






mmi polling-interval 60

no mmi auto-configure

no mmi pvc

mmi snmp-timeout 180

no aaa new-model

ip subnet-zero





ip cef

ip ips po max-events 100

no ftp-server write-enable






no crypto isakmp ccm




interface FastEthernet0

description connection to cable modem

ip address dhcp

ip nat outside

ip virtual-reassembly

duplex auto

speed auto


interface FastEthernet1


interface FastEthernet2


interface FastEthernet3


interface FastEthernet4


interface Vlan1

ip address

ip nat inside

ip virtual-reassembly


interface Async1

no ip address


ip classless

no ip http server

no ip http secure-server


ip nat inside source list 101 interface Vlan1 overload



access-list 101 permit ip any






line con 0

line 1

line aux 0

line vty 0 4



Does anyone have any ideas?

Thanks, in advance, for any help or insight you can send my way.


2 Accepted Solutions

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cadet alain
VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni


this NAT config is wrong: ip nat inside source list 101 interface Vlan1 overload

It should be

ip nat inside source list 101 interface fastethernet0  overload

if you want computers to get a DHCP address from the router you can do this:

ip dhcp excluded address

ip dhcp pool mypool

import all

network /24




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Hi Bruce,

no problem.

1) indeed you are translating your private addresses from the LAN to the outside public address provided by the ISP so

   your  ip nat inside and ip nat outside interfaces were correct but not the NAT overload config because you told the  router to translate an inside address to an inside address. You must tell it to translate from inside to outside.

2) the excluded address is excluded from the pool you create below that will serve your clients, it has nothing to do with the ISP dhcp address your outside interface is getting.

The only link with the pool from ISP here is the import all command which will inherit dhcp options you didn't explicitly configured from the ISP pool like for example a list of DNS servers.

If the ISP didn't send you this option via DHCP then you can either explicitly configure it under your pool with the dns-server x.x.x.x  command and in this case you have 2 choices:

-list the dns servers from ISP or any public dns server like the one from Google(

-list your router as dns server but then you'll have to configure the router for proxy-dns like this:

ip domain-lookup

ip name-server  x.x.x.x

ip dns-server



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View solution in original post

7 Replies 7

Level 1
Level 1

BTW, I do not get an ip address from the router to computers automatically.  Hence the reference to setting up a static ip address to ping back out to cable modem.



Hi bHubTel1610c,

So, LAN clients dont use DHCP ...

Can they do a traceroute to their (static) DNS ?


cadet alain
VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni


this NAT config is wrong: ip nat inside source list 101 interface Vlan1 overload

It should be

ip nat inside source list 101 interface fastethernet0  overload

if you want computers to get a DHCP address from the router you can do this:

ip dhcp excluded address

ip dhcp pool mypool

import all

network /24




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Hi, Cadet;

Some questions, since I'm trying to understand exactly what I'm doing.

  1. Since fastethernet 0 is hooked to cable modem, I thought the "ip nat inside....." would be for vlan connection, since it translates the inside addresses to outside.  Could you explain that a little more?
  2. The dhcp address that the router would receive from the cable modem would never include a private address like, so is it necessary to "exclude" it from the list?

I'm not doubting you (I know that I don't know very much), it's just that I'm trying to understand what's going on.

Could you clarify, please?



Hi Bruce,

no problem.

1) indeed you are translating your private addresses from the LAN to the outside public address provided by the ISP so

   your  ip nat inside and ip nat outside interfaces were correct but not the NAT overload config because you told the  router to translate an inside address to an inside address. You must tell it to translate from inside to outside.

2) the excluded address is excluded from the pool you create below that will serve your clients, it has nothing to do with the ISP dhcp address your outside interface is getting.

The only link with the pool from ISP here is the import all command which will inherit dhcp options you didn't explicitly configured from the ISP pool like for example a list of DNS servers.

If the ISP didn't send you this option via DHCP then you can either explicitly configure it under your pool with the dns-server x.x.x.x  command and in this case you have 2 choices:

-list the dns servers from ISP or any public dns server like the one from Google(

-list your router as dns server but then you'll have to configure the router for proxy-dns like this:

ip domain-lookup

ip name-server  x.x.x.x

ip dns-server



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That did the trick.  Your help has been invaluable.

Just so I understand, the overload command needed to tell the router that the addresses and packets coming from inside needed to be translated to the fa0 interface connected to the cable modem (outside), but was instead being "reflected" back to the inside, since it referenced vlan1 instead.

Also, the excluded-address was due to the ip address of the vlan1 was configured as a static address, so it wouldn't assign that address to one of the other hosts.

Once again, thanks for your help.


Orlando, FL.

Hi Bruce,

Yes what you are saying is correct.



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