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Control Hub vs Teams Admin Center Firmware management

Level 1
Level 1

Hey there, 

we are currently setting up different Cisco devices (Room Bar, Board Pro,..) as MTRoA-devices. We have a Teams Rooms Pro license applied to each Teams-resource account and i am wondering what is the best effort for the firmware management as there are several plattforms and softwares which need to be updated: 

Cisco Control Hub: Updates RoomOs and Teams app software

Teams Admin Center: Updates Teams app software, Device firmware software and also RoomOs (??)

Teams Rooms Pro Portal: Same as TAC 

As the Teams Rooms Pro Portal is currently not used within our company i was wondering what is the recommendation from Cisco  regarding TAC and Control Hub? What interaction of both platforms delivers the best and most secure experience? Currently there are two ways i guess. 

1) Use either the Stable or Verification channel in Control Hub. As far as i understand this ensures to have the most reliable RoomOs software version on the devices. On TAC i would set the devices to Automatic updates and select auto-update phase 'General'. However i found out that the delivered Teams app version from Control Hub may not be the newest available from Microsoft. Currently on the stable channel Teams app version provided is 1449/ TAC says that there is a new version What happens know? Does the device wait for the Control Hub to update the Teams app version with the new RoomOs update delivered from the stable/verification channel or does the TAC update the Teams app on its own 15 days after release of the the version as this is the designed behavior within the 'General' auto-update phase in TAC? 

2) Use the Microsoft channel in Control Hub and let the rest be done by TAC. Is this a secure way? Is the TAC able to apply the latest RoomOs software to the devices when it is available? Or would you say this is not a secure solution as Cisco may be quicker to update critical RoomsOS software releases via Control Hub then Microsoft might be? 

Is there any documentation on this topic? I searched the web but did not found anything..




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