Hi TEam,
I have a specalist macro use case requiring HttpClient Get/Post to/from the localhost however Localhost is not allowed as per the error messages below which is blocking.
Is there away Localhost support can be enabled to meet this use case?
Macro syntax is:
xapi.command('HttpClient Get', { 'Header': [AUTHTOKEN, CONTENT_TYPE, ACCEPT_TYPE] , 'Url': '', 'AllowInsecureHTTPS': 'True'});
Adding "Localhost", "" or the specific IP address has no effect
e.g. xCommand HttpClient Allow Hostname Add Expression:
Macro Error: HTTP Get Macro>'Unhandled promise rejection' { code: 1, message: 'Localhost is not allowed' }
Log Output: XapiCmd I: HTTP command from user macros/HTTP.Get.Macro/'localhost': failed condition: Localhost is not allowed