We have numerous teams with 'magic window' displays - a VC unit in one global office which maintains an open connection with either one other office's screen (point-to-point) or dials into a dedicated bridge line. Usually the mic is kept muted, unless the team wants to grab someone's attention. It helps build a sense of community and makes it easy to know whether someone is at their desk before you try to call them.
Here's the wrinkle: one team wants to call more than one of these endpoints / bridges at once, using the multisite license on the codec. But they don't want to bridge the audio, or video, between sites. So I'm wondering if it's possible to use custom macros and 'only while in call'-style buttons to allow them to choose which site to talk to when the mic is unmuted, without sending their audio (or a 'composed' layout like a bridge would typically create) to the *other* far end(s) that aren't 'selected' right now. Kind of like live 'call waiting', where you switch between callers but can still see the video from the people you're not presently talking to.
Is this feasible?