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Set up dial in to virtual meeting room Polycom MCU?

Level 1
Level 1

How do you set up a Tandberg MXP and C 20 to dial into a virtual meeting room on a Polycom MCU MGC or RMX?

Polycom Dial in at virtual meeting room (ipaddress##1111).

TANDBERG Dial in at >>>   ?

Please suggest me

Thank you and regards,

Suchart W.

3 Replies 3

Marwan ALshawi
VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni

i am not sure about the Polycom side

but the concept used with Cisco CTS, CTMS  and MCU

so virtual meeting room is a pre specified Meeting with number allocated to it in the MCU

polycom side they need to configured when they dial that number the call to be routed to the MCU that hosts the meting

From Cisco side the VCS where the endpoints registered need to be integrated with MCU using SIP trunk ( neighbor Zone ) for example ) or H323 and calls to that virtual meeting number will routed to the MCU and this way all endpoints will be hosted in the same MCU and meeting


Tom Freeland
Level 1
Level 1

If the Tandberg is registered to the same Gatekeeper as the MCU, you should be able to dial just the conference ID of the virtual meeting room built on the RMX or MGC from the Tandberg.

If it is not registered to the same GK, you should be able to dial conferenceID@IPaddressofMCU (123456@
Level 1
Level 1


Polycom MCU RMX2000을 사용하고 있는 유저 입니다.

현재 지금 사용하고 있는 cisco장비가 RMX2000에 접속하는 방법

polycom -> (ipaddress##1111)

cisco -> (1111**@ipaddres)로 하시면 접속 가능하시고 간혈적으로 자신의 화면이 보이지 않는 증상이 있을 수도 있습니다.

그럴때는 패드의 대기 버튼누르신후 재개를 누르면 해결되실겁니다.

위의 방법으로 사용중입니다. MCU방의 패스워드가 없기에 **뒤에는 다른 숫자를 넣지 않습니다.