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Video Content Sharing on Spark

Jayesh Pandya
Level 1
Level 1



I am testing out use cases for going with an off-prem VC solution. We have a trial Room Kit Plus and Room Kit and Cisco Spark licenses.  


One of the key use cases is for users to share short video clips (720p) with no lip sync issues.  We have set out firewalls up based on the recommendations from Cisco (for Spark) and have run the media test ( both wired and wifi results are green / good.


When we have a VC meeting with a Room Kit and Room Kit plus (both wired to the network) and we then connect a laptop to share the video clip from, we get 4-5 seconds lip sync issues.  Video appears to be okay.  


This same use case is fulfilled by our Cisco SX20s however we are limited to four of these and they are all connected by ethernet to the corporate network.  The intention to move to Spark and purchase Room Kit devices was to expand the endpoints in the UK and to other locations world-wide.  The key use case to fulfil is video content sharing. 


Does anyone have experiences of this working from what I have described?

8 Replies 8

Justin Ferello
Level 5
Level 5

This is a known issue for the SRKs:

Thank you,
Justin Ferello
Technical Support Specialist, ScanSource KBZ

Thanks Justin


I'm going to try this today / tomorrow.

Hi Justin, based on the link I've done the following:


1.) Make sure that the TV/display is configured to "Game mode" if such a mode exists on the TV/display in question. This should ensure minimum latency introduced by the TV/display I can confirm the Game mode is ON.  
2.) Make sure the TV runs in a 60 Hz mode, e.g. 3840x2160p60, 1080p60.

I cannot change this anywhere on the TV.

3.) Use a 60 Hz source format from the PC side, e.g. 1080p60, 1440p60.

I can confirm the display setting from my MacBook Air is set to 60HZ and 1080p (doesn't actually state 60 / 30)


Note that Cisco Spark Room Kit's input does not support 3840x2160p60 only 3840x2160p30, so a user would have to choose between "maximum input resolution" and "minimum input latency".

I have logged onto the Spark console and changed the setting from 1920_1080_60 to 3840x2160p30 (for the Room Kit Plus).  


Outcome - still getting 4-5 lip sync and video which is slightly jittering.



I don't believe the "workaround" works as we have tried the same on our end, hence why the bug is still "Open". I do not believe there is a fix for the issue at this time.
Thank you,
Justin Ferello
Technical Support Specialist, ScanSource KBZ

Oh okay, sorry I misread your message...thought we had a fix there! 


So the only option to fulfill this use case is on-prem and not via Spark subscription. I'm assuming hybrid media won't help ?

No, this is a problem with the codec software, it has nothing to do with the "Spark" service. We do not have Spark registered units and still have the same issue.
Thank you,
Justin Ferello
Technical Support Specialist, ScanSource KBZ

Hi Justin, one more for you.  So, is this a problem with the Room Kit as well?  I've got one of those on trial too, just not opened it yet.

To be honest, I am not sure; I personally have not tested presentation on our SRK yet.

Thank you,
Justin Ferello
Technical Support Specialist, ScanSource KBZ