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Level 1
Level 1

Hello Experts,


I have recently setup EX90 with direct IP dial option. I can see some strange issue.

Some calls connect and i have both incoming video and audio.

For few call i really have issues. I can able to dial and call gets connected but no incoming video.

What might be the reason for such behavior? Let me know.



K . G. 

3 Replies 3


I would recommend you try isolate the issue with some test calls. For instance, verify if it happens only with internal calls or external calls, calling specifics endpoints or sites. 

Please check in your network for QoS and make sure you are tagging the traffic correctly. 

It is really important also check the  NAT Mode in the endpoint, please see the link: "" , page 47 section H323 NAT Mode and H323 NAT Address.

It would be great to replicate the issue and take a packet capture, you will be able to verify the incoming and the outgoing traffic. 

Also you can debug the call from a putty session please see the following: 

1- Open putty
2- Go to session, logging and select the option 'All session output' and browse the location to save the file.
3- Run the command “log ctx H323packet debug9 or log ctx Sippacket debug9” (SIP or H323).
4- Run the command log ctx h323packet debug 9 or log ctx SIPpacket debug 9.
5- Run the command log ctx H323call debug 9 or log ctx sipcall debug 9.
6- Run the command log ctx stack debug 9
7- Run the command log ctx rtpstatistics debug 9
8- Run the command log ctx rtp debug 9
9- Run the command “log output on”
10- Make a test call and make sure you were able to reproduce the issue.
11- Run the command log ctx Sippacket debug off or log ctx H323packet debug off”, as well as the other commands you will need to turn them off.
12- Run the command “log output off” 


This is also explain in the telepresence Handbook: 




The Problem i am having is with external calls. For eg if i dial public test ips of video conf equipments i am facing this issue.


1- do you have a firewall nating the IP? are the ports for this types of calls open? 

2-did you already check xConfiguration H323 NAT Mode and xConfiguration H323 NAT Address ?


The firewall traversal technology creates a secure path through the firewall barrier, and enables
proper exchange of audio/video data when connected to an external video conferencing system 


Enter the external/global IP address to the router with NAT support. Packets sent to the router will
then be routed to the system. Note that NAT cannot be used when registered to a gatekeeper.
In the router, the following ports must be routed to the system's IP address:
 * Port 1720
 * Port 5555-6555
 * Port 2326-2487


please see link: page 47. 

If the issue persist you may try to take a packet capture from the endpoint and the outside interface  to verify where the media is been lost.