Ryuji Nozaka
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

1. 事象

以下の不具合により、FXOS で show tech module 1 detail の取得に失敗する場合がございます。

Firepower module show-tech file generation may fail with error "Failed to create archive!"

2. 改善策
Known Fixed Releases へアップグレードすることで改善いたしますが、以下の方法でも show tech module 1 detail を採取することができます。

show tech module 1 detail 採取方法

fpr4240# connect module 1 console <<<<< connect module 1 console を入力
Telnet escape character is '~'.
Connected to
Escape character is '~'.

CISCO Serial Over LAN:
Close Network Connection to Exit

Firepower-module1>support diagnostic <<<<< support diagnostic を入力

======= Diagnostic =======

1. Create default diagnostic archive
2. Manually create diagnostic archive
3. Exit

Please enter your choice: 1 <<<<< 1 を入力

Creating Default archive

1. Added file: pyos.log
2. Added file: handle_rsc_3_min.log.gz
3. Added file: sma.log
4. Added file: ssp-cardmgmt.log
5. Added file: csp.log
6. Added file: messages
7. Added file: ssp_bootup_ver.log
8. Added file: chm_daemon.log
9. Added file: ntp.drift
10. Added file: diagnostic.log
11. Added file: show_version.log
12. Added file: sulog
13. Added file: ssp_storage.log
14. Added file: docker_events.log
15. Added file: ssp_ntp.log.1.gz
16. Added file: ssp_system_stat.log
17. Added file: rsc_5_min.log.gz
18. Added file: rsc_3_min.log.gz
19. Added file: ssp_mi_turbo.log
20. Added file: ssp-shutdown.log
21. Added file: ssp_ntp.log
22. Added file: ssp_chm.log
23. Added file: hugepage.log
24. Added file: ssp_docker.log
25. Added file: file_upload.log
26. Added file: error
27. Added file: ssp_cs.log
28. Added file: ssp_tz.log
29. Added file: ssp-pm.log
30. Added file: ssp-rm.log
31. Added file: rsc_1_min.log.gz
32. Added file: ssp_vnic_validate.log
33. Added file: mce.log
34. Added file: heim_proc.log
35. Added file: hwclock_reboot.log
36. Added file: ssp_vnic.log
37. Added file: ntp.log
38. Added file: prune_cores.log
39. Added file: send_container_logs.log
40. Added file: tech_support_report.txt
41. Added file: ssp_syslogng.log
42. Added file: hwclock_error.log
43. Added file: ssp_system_stat.log.1.gz
44. Added file: stdout_auto_prune_cores.log
45. Added file: stdout_01rng_tools.log
46. Added file: stdout_adapter2monitor.log
47. Added file: stdout_1block_process.log.2.gz
48. Added file: stdout_00aa_ssp_syslog.log
49. Added file: stdout_1block_process.log.4.gz
50. Added file: stdout_disk_monitor.log
51. Added file: stdout_1block_process.log.3.gz
52. Added file: stdout_snmp_asa.log
53. Added file: stdout_11docker_daemon.log
54. Added file: stdout_ram_monitor.log
55. Added file: heimdall.log
56. Added file: stdout_heimdall.log
57. Added file: stdout_ssp_ntp.log
58. Added file: stdout_1block_process.log
59. Added file: stdout_docker_daemon.log
60. Added file: stdout_1block_process.log.1.gz
61. Added file: stdout_11docker_daemon.log.1.gz
62. Added file: stdout_sma.log
63. Added file: stdout_platform_info.log
64. Added file: stdout_chm_daemon.log
65. Added file: stdout_01mce_log.log
66. Added file: stdout_cpu_monitor.log
67. Added file: stdout_1block_process.log.5.gz
68. Added file: SSP-CPUS-TOTAL_processor
69. Added file: ethvnic.map
70. Added file: SSP-RMDB-VNIC.lspci.bootup
71. Added file: SSP-RMDB-CPU
72. Added file: SSP-RMDB-VNIC
73. Added file: ssp_platform_data.txt
74. Added file: mount_media.log

Created archive file Firepower-Module1_01_29_2012_01_44_40.tar
Firepower-module1>support fileupload <<<<< support fileupload を入力
Please choose from following:
1. Archive Files
2. View selected files
3. Start upload and Exit
4. View transfer Status
Please enter your choice [x] to Exit:1 <<<<< 1 を入力
2012-01-29 01:44:45.351599 | 563200 | Firepower-Module1_01_29_2012_01_44_40.tar <<<<< 後でこの file name を入力するするためコピーする

([s] to select files or [x] to Exit):s <<<<< s を入力

Type the partial name of the file to add, [<] to cancel
> Firepower-Module1_01_29_2012_01_44_40.tar <<<<< 上記コピーした file name を入力
Are you sure you want to add these files? (y/n) y <<<<< y を入力
=== Package Contents ===
[Added] Firepower-Module1_01_29_2012_01_44_40.tar

Type the partial name of the file to add, [<] to cancel
Firepower-module1>support fileupload <<<<< support fileupload を入力
Please choose from following:
1. Archive Files
2. View selected files
3. Start upload and Exit
4. View transfer Status
Please enter your choice [x] to Exit:3 <<<<< 3 を入力
Transfer of Firepower-Module1_01_29_2012_01_44_40.tar started.

Firepowe-module1>support fileupload <<<<< support fileupload を入力
Please choose from following:
1. Archive Files
2. View selected files
3. Start upload and Exit
4. View transfer Status
Please enter your choice [x] to Exit:4 <<<<< 4 を入力
File Transfer Status:
Firepower-Module1_01_29_2012_01_44_40.tar Status: Completed. <<<<< Completed になっていることを確認

Please choose from following:
1. Archive Files
2. View selected files
3. Start upload and Exit
4. View transfer Status
Please enter your choice [x] to Exit:x <<<<< x を入力
Firepower-module1> <<<<< contril + ~ を入力
telnet> quit <<<<< quit を入力
Connection closed.
fpr4240# connect local-mgmt <<<<< connect local-mgmt
fpr4240(local-mgmt)# dir workspace:/bladelog/blade-1/ <<<<< dir workspace:/bladelog/blade-1/ を入力

1 481280 Jan 29 01:13:59 2012 Firepower-Module1_01_29_2012_01_12_02.tar
1 481280 Jan 29 01:17:51 2012 Firepower-Module1_01_29_2012_01_16_14.tar
1 563200 Jan 29 01:45:53 2012 Firepower-Module1_01_29_2012_01_44_40.tar <<<<< 先ほど指定した file があることを確認

Usage for workspace://
4160421888 bytes total
42717184 bytes used
3902959616 bytes free
fpr4240(local-mgmt)# copy workspace:/bladelog/blade-1/Firepower-Module1_01_29_2012_01_44_40.tar tftp:// <<<<< 以下のフォーマットに合わせて file を転送する

##### FTP の場合 copy workspace:/bladelog/blade-1/<file name> ftp://<user name>@<ftp server IP address>
##### TFTP の場合 copy workspace:/bladelog/blade-1/<file name> tftp://<tftp server IP address>
##### SFTP の場合 copy workspace:/bladelog/blade-1/<file name> sftp://<user name>@<Sftp server IP address>

Firepower-Module1_01 100% |*******************************| 550k 0:00:00 ETA

3. 参考情報

Firepower System and FTDトラブルシューティング

ファイアウォール トラブルシューティング


Getting Started


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