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Is there a way to upgrade the python version that comes with the latest ydk-py docker image (version 3.5.2)?I have tried removing the older version with:apt purge python3 and installing python 3.6 with: apt-get update --fix-missing && apt-get install...

MahdiR by Level 1
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I'm trying to generate a bundle for Cisco IOS XE 17.2.1 from these yang models.When I run ./ --python --bundle profiles/bundles/cisco-ios-xe_17_2_1.json, it gives me these errors:Attachment: my bundle profile in txt

MahdiR by Level 1
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Hello, I was trying to install ydk-cpp on my mac(OS 10.14.2) and got a problem. I had already installed Pcre by brew install pcre but it reports fatal error: 'pcre.h' file not found. I have followed all the steps successfully on

I have been trying so hard to install YDK-PY in my MacBook. I followed the given documentary, but it did not work. However, it did work on Linux-based machine Ubuntu. Could you please provide a full installation?

khalilmeb by Level 1
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 I am new to this net programmability field and YANG. So, I am looking for some advises here.I started using ncclient to interact with devices and models. But it is time consuming to decode the modul and code your filters (like <config><native><ip><r...

When installing YDK on Centos7 as root, I'm getting the following authorization errors:   # yum install plugins: enabled_repos_upload, langpacks, package_upload, produ...

Hi,Would it be possible to export releases of the VM in qcow2 too? The reason I'm asking is because GNS3 integration would be much simpler then: I can create a template (aka appliance) file for QEMU VMs and, using that, users can import the VM with a...

How can I find the substatements of a schema node? For example, if it is a configuration node or mandatory node? Or in the case of list nodes, how do I find the keys? I the script below, I can find out the keyword and argument for timer, but I can't ...

tadeshpa by Cisco Employee
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