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Level 4
Level 4
Version NumberComments
1.0Initial Version

Workflow Name:



This workflow provisions ESXi Host booting from SAN and Integrates with vCenter Server, UCS Manager and MDS Switches and EMC Solutions Enabler for VMAX 100/200/400K on Vblock 7XX Converged Stack.

Compatible UCS Director Versions:

UCS Director 6.x


Virtualization, Compute, Network and Storage 


Cisco UCS Director

Cisco UCS Director Baremetal Agent


  • The Vblock 7XX Infrastructure components (VMware vCenter, Cisco UCSM, Cisco Nexus 5Ks, MDS Switches & EMC VMAX 100/200/400K Storage Array) are added into UCS Director
  • UCS Director BMA is integrated into UCS Director
  • VMware ESXi Image from VCE/Cisco is configured in BMA. For more information please refer 'Configure ESXi PXE Image'
  • Modify 'ks.cfg' file under /opt/cnsaroot/templates/<ESXi_Image_Name> folder to enable ESXi Install on SAN Boot LUN
    • Comment the below line with '#"
      # install --firstdisk --overwritevmfs
    • Uncomment the below line by removing '#"

                install --firstdisk=remote --overwritevmfs

  • UCS Service Profile Template is created with 2 vNICs & 2 vHBAs, Boot Order is configured with FC Boot First and LAN Second, FC Target Ports are added into SAN Boot Policy and Boot LUN ID is set to '0'. vHBA-0 desired order set to '0' and vHBA-1 desired order set to '1'. Service Profile's Power State set to 'Off'.
  • UCS Service Profile Template vNICs (eth0 & eth1) are configured with BMA PXE VLAN and set it as Native VLAN.

Workflow Tasks Included:

  1. Create UCS Service Profile from Template
  2. Select UCS Server
  3. Setup PXE Boot with BMA Selection
  4. Generic Configure SAN Zoning
  5. Create VMAX Initiator Group
  6. Create VMAX Port Group
  7. Create VMAX Thin Devices
  8. Bind Thin Devices to VMAX Thin Pool
  9. Create VMAX Storage Group
  10. Add Thin Devices to VMAX Thin Group
  11. Create VMAX Masking View
  12. Associate UCS Service Profile
  13. Reset UCS Server
  14. Monitor PXE Boot
  15. Reset UCS Server
  16. Wait for Specified Duration
  17. Register Host with vCenter
  18. Send Notification Email

User Inputs:

The below user inputs should be provided by user after executing the workflow.

User InputUser Input Description
ESXI_CLUSTERSelect ESXi Cluster to which it need to be added
ESXI_MANAGEMENT_IPEnter ESXi Management Network IP Address

Admin Inputs:

The Admin Input values are pre-defined in the workflow by the admin user. Edit the Workflow properties, go to user inputs section and modify the below inputs appropriately.

User InputUser Input Description
ESXI_ROOT_PASSWORDEnter ESXi root user password
ESXI_MANAGEMENT_IPEnter ESXi Management Network IP Address
ESXI_MANAGEMENT_SUBNETMASKEnter VMware ESXi Management Network's Subnet Mask
ESXI_MANAGEMENT_GATEWAY_IPEnter VMware ESXi Management Network's Gateway IP
ESXI_HOST_LICENSEEnter ESXi Host License Key
VCENTER_ACCOUNTSelect VMware vCenter Account
VCENTER_DATACENTER_NAMEEnter VMware vCenter Datacenter Name (The Datacenter in which the ESXi Host is going to be added to ESXi Cluster)
UCS_SP_TEMPLATESelect UCS Service Profile Template
SAN_FABRIC_SWITCH_A1Select SAN Fabric Switch A
SAN_FABRIC_SWITCH_B1Select SAN Fabric Switch B
SANBOOT_TARGET_PORTS_FABRIC_ASelect VMAX FC Target Port for SAN Zoning on Fabric A
SANBOOT_TARGET_PORTS_FABRIC_BSelect VMAX FC Target Port for SAN Zoning on Fabric B
SANBOOT_LUN_THINPOOLSelect the Thin Pool for binding SAN Boot LUN
SANBOOT_HOST_LUN_IDEnter SAN Boot LUN Host ID (Should match UCS Service Profile Template Boot Policy)

Workflow Additional Configuration:

After configuring the admin inputs, open the workflow using workflow designer and modify the below "TASKS" with appropriate user inputs. (Note: In upcoming versions, the below inputs should be able to configured as admin input values)

  • Select UCS Server (Select UCS Server for ESXi Host): Open the Task ---> Click 'Next' ---> Click 'Next' ---> Click on 'Revalidate' button --> Select appropriate 'UCSM' account, Select UCS Servers, Click 'Next' ---> Click 'Submit'
  • Setup PXE Boot with BMA Selection (Configure PXE Server for ESXi Install):   Open the Task ---> Click 'Next' ---> Click 'Next' ---> Select BMA Account ---> Select configured ESXi OS Image in BMA and Set appropriate 'Timezone', Click 'Next' ---> Click 'Submit'
  • Generic Configure SAN Zoning (Configure SAN Zones on Fabric-A and Fabric-B): Click 'Next' ---> Click 'Next' ---> Click on 'Revalidate' button --> Under 'Fabric A', Storage Account Type should be set to 'EMC VMAX Solutions Enabler' and appropriate VMAX account is selected for Storage Account Name (Primary). Under 'Fabric B', Storage Account Type should be set to 'EMC VMAX Solutions Enabler' and appropriate VMAX account is selected for Storage Account Name (Primary), Click 'Next' ---> Click 'Submit'
  • Register Host with vCenter (Add ESXi Host to Cluster on vCenter):   Open the Task ---> Click 'Next' ---> Click 'Next' ---> Select VMware vCenter Account Name, Click 'Next' ---> Click 'Submit'

Instructions for Use:

  1. Download the attached .ZIP file below to your computer. *Remember the location of the saved file on your computer.
  2. Unzip the file on your computer. Should end up with a .WFDX file.
  3. Log in to UCS Director as a user that has "system-admin" privileges.
  4. Navigate to "Policies-->Orchestration" and click on "Import".
  5. Click "Browse" and navigate to the location on your computer where the .WFDX file resides. Choose the .WFDX file and click "Open".
  6. Click "Upload" and then "OK" once the file upload is completed, Then click "Next".
  7. Click "Submit".
  8. A new folder called 'Vblock-7XX-Validated' should appear in "Policies-->Orchestration" that contains the imported workflow. You will now need to update the included tasks with information specific to the environment. (See Above)
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