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Broadcast Messages and MWI

Level 3
Level 3


is it possible to send a broadcast message to multiple Unity subscrirs (even the all_subscribers) and not light the MWI on each phone and not have subscribers use a Unity port to pick up the message? A scenario where you have thousands of subscribers who recieve a broadcast message will easily eat up all Unity VM ports if several hundred users go to retieve the message at the same time. How can we handle this with Unity?

Thanks in advance!!

6 Replies 6

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

You can send a System Broadcast message that goes to everyone - these do not light MWIs but can only be retrieved over the phone (i.e. no desktop access to these messages) - you can get more details on how these work in the admin guide here:

You can send out a message to a public distribution list (i.e. all users) but these will turn the MWIs on for everyone. The up side is that users can get at these messages from their desktop if they are UM users instead of calling in on the phone.

so short story is there's no way to blast out large number of messages that do not turn on the MWI and are also available from the desktop.

Thanks Jeff!

Is there a way with Unity version 5 to turn on MWI for system broadcast messages?

no - you can sent messages to distribution lists which can turn on MWIs but broadcast messages do not trigger notification events (including MWIs).

An answer to a Unity question from Jeff Lindborg is like having Jimmy Page show you how to play Stairway to Heaven. A true Rock Star of the Unified Messaging world.

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Check out the Public Distribution List Builder utility (found in the Tools Depot). This has a section called 'Configure Distribution List MWI Notification Parameters' which will allow you to stagger notifications for any particular list.

The help file here describes the functionality as well: