Hi all.
Lets say i have 2 dial peers
dial-peer voice 1001 voip
preference 0
destination-pattern 1001
session-target ipv4:x.x.x.x
dial-peer voice 1002 voip
preference 1
destination-pattern 1001
session-target ipv4:x.x.x.x
Now according to my understanding, following shall happen (pls correct me if any step is wrong)
1) When the call comes in with DNIS 1001, first dial-peer 1001 will be selected.
2) If the dial peer is already busy, 1002 will be checked
3) (this is my confusion) what if 1002 is also busy ? will it revert back to 1001 or try to match some other dial peer ?
Is there any timeout value that can be configured as to for how long the dial peer hunting shall continue ?