Dear all,
My customer has a Unity connection 8.5 integrated with CUCM 8.5 using SCCP.
We are trying to implement an AA-like script. Everything is OK, except system call tranfer delay. It is about 6 seconds if we use 3 second interdigit timeout for the call handler.
I researched traces a bit and see that additional delay (becides 3 second for interdigit timeout) arises because Unity connection emulates SCCP phone behavior, send 8 differend keypad messages and introduces 0.3 second delay between these messages with digits (we have 8-digit number which leads to 2.5 seconds of additional delay).
My questions:
1) If we will change to SIP will UCx send the number to CUCM enbloq, thus eliminating the delay of sending 8 different messages with 0.3 sec delay?
2) Can we change this 0.3 sec delay for SCCP inegration?
3) Is it possible to avoid 3 second interdigit timeout waiting (I tried # sign, don't help, I put in restriction table to wait for minimum and maximum 8 digits, don't help).
Thank you and best regards,