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Unity Connection and O&M aspect

Level 1
Level 1

Dear Team,

Started working on the UNITY CONNECTION and trying to get my hands dirty on this product. I have used extensively UNITY7.x and except the multiple dependency it has on External email setup, AD setup, UNITY as a whole is really a good product.

But once Cisco rolled out UNITY Connection where the great aspect is a one box solution for your voicemail only or integrated voicemail solution and build onthe same platform as for UCM, it looks attractive.

It lacks too much from O&M part, troubleshooting end user issue. I am not sure but does anyone can throw light on the following whether it exist or not.  :-

1) Real Time Call Monitoring tool

2) Real Time Port selection tool

3) Message store aspect and whether the message are going to right account or not? In case of undelivered message access to the folder which contains those undelivered voicemail?

I am aware of RTMT but somehow it's not interesting when you have multiple user facing a problem in a userbase of 20000 and u have to go through too much lengthy log to find a problem. This defeats the purspose of your support helpdesk

I thank in advance for all your post.



1 Reply 1

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee


For port usage there is a tool in the rtmt (Port Monitor) that gives your real time port activity on the system.  There is also the undeliverable messages distribution list that will send a copy of any undeliverable messages to subscribed users.

Let me know if there was something more specific you were looking for.