05-11-2014 02:28 PM - edited 03-01-2019 01:38 PM
UCS Communities Login ID: robbeck
Twitter handle (optional): TechBeck03
Have you read the Official Rules of the Contest and do you accept the terms and conditions Yes [X ] No [ ]
Are you a Cisco employee Yes [ X] No [ ]
Does the script run on an emulator - Yes [ X ] No [ ]
If yes which version? 2.2(x) for full compatibility
v2.5 Edit: Added a new check for the Firmware Auto Sync Policy (credit to Marcello Turano)
v2.4 Edit: Added support for Ucs PowerTool 2.x and fixed timestamp
v2.3 Edit: Fixed FC uplink SAN performance data and added single psu support
Script for polling multiple UCS Domains and creating an html report
of the domain inventory, configuration, and overall health
Powershell version 3.0 or higher
Connection to the internet
UCS PowerTool version 1.1.1 or higher
Before generating the report select option 1) from the root menu
and connect to target UCS Domains. Cache domain credentials after
connecting to speed up future script executions.
You must have an active internet connection to view the report as it
streams some javascript and css files to build report
Use the UsedCache, RunReport, Silent, and Email switch options to automate
script execution (especially if scheduling script as a task)
Ex: .\UCS_Health_Check_v2.5.ps1 -UseCached -RunReport -Silent -Email user@domain.com
The generated html report supports multiple domains worth of data. Use the Domain
dropdown at the top of the page to switch between UCS Domains. Some of the table
entries can be clicked for a more detailed view. There are help icons with tooltips to
help explain the capabilities of each table.
Include your script here:
I keep getting the following error after inoputting my credentials in teh popup window.
Error connecting to UCS Domain
Username and password are correct and I am able to connect to directly UCSM from that system without issues.
Running Powershell 4.0 and UCS Healthcheck V2.4
Hi Steve,
What id are you using. Use UCS-domainname\your id...
Ravi Khanna
Using the default admin login
Do you have multiple authentication domains configured in your ucs domain or are you just using local users?
Hi Robbeck,
I am getting error in receiving report mail, Please help on this. The SNMP and mail address should be configured in the UCS shoiuld be placed in the script?
Exception setting "From": "Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: value"
At E:\UCS Script\UCS_Health_Check_v2.4.ps1\UCS_Health_Check_v2.4.ps1:2302 char:3
+ $msg.From = $mailfrom
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [], SetValueInvocationException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : ExceptionWhenSetting
Exception calling "Send" with "1" argument(s): "The SMTP host was not specified."
At E:\UCS Script\UCS_Health_Check_v2.4.ps1\UCS_Health_Check_v2.4.ps1:2314 char:3
+ $smtp.Send($msg)
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvalidOperationException
Total Elapsed Time: 0 days, 0 hours, 41 minutes, 35.186 seconds
Disconnecting GCSJVB-UP01FI...
Exiting Program
Hello there,
I am having the same issue with getting the e-mail function to work. I leave the e-mail params alone except change the
smtp to a ip address modify the mailfrom and mailto and I get nothing. I have used the -Email option on the command line as well.
this is a nice little script and would love to get this emailed out.
thanks in advance
$Email_Report = 0
#$smtpServer = "smtpserver"
#$mailfrom = "Cisco UCS Healtcheck <ucshcheck@domain.com>"
#$mailto = "user@domain.com"
Hi Richard,
No , I have not tried the email function. Maybe someone on the original forum can answer.
Best regards,
Bob Sinclair
<http://www.advancednetworktraining.com/> Advanced Network Training Corp.
304 596-1557
<http://visitor.r20.constantcontact.com/d.jsp?llr=j8ndccxab&p=oi&m=1124277008233&sit=f4twrtpkb&f=ab933c37-cb24-4a9f-ad65-de564a4807f5> Sign up to stay in touch!
‘The future is already here — it's just not very evenly distributed’
-William Gibson
Great script. What is the minimum permission required to run the script. Can this be executed if we have a local read-only account.
Really nice script. Is it possible to add VIC Port Expander info as well (Get-UcsAdaptorUnitExtn) ?
This is a great tool for us. I'm curious, since most of the time we run this it is before an upgrade, if you can show the usage of the /var/tmp directory that show system internal flash in the nxos a or b context shows us?
Hi ,
Any one can help me to configure email. while i running the script showing below mentioned error.
Generating Report...
Exception setting "From": "Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: value"
At D:\UCS_Health_Check_Offline_v2.4\UCS_Health_Check_Offline_v2.4.ps1:2303 char:3
+ $msg.From = $mailfrom
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [], SetValueInvocationException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : ExceptionWhenSetting
Exception calling "Send" with "1" argument(s): "The SMTP host was not specified."
At D:\UCS_Health_Check_Offline_v2.4\UCS_Health_Check_Offline_v2.4.ps1:2315 char:3
+ $smtp.Send($msg)
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvalidOperationException
Hi Rob, great and amazing script. I am running your script on 12 UCS cluster that I have. It takes me roughly 12h to generate the report. Do you know why is it so long ? Any chance that I could improve the generation time process ? Thanks for your answer and hard work.
super Rob, This is awesome script I have ever seen... thnaks so much for your sharing.
I'v got question here, this script works in our enviroment very well , but question is , it produced one html file over 5M, for one domain , and it cost me almsot 5 mins to open , we are sure got lots of data , almsot 12 chassis in one domain , do you know how to inprove this ?
Thanks in advanced!
NOC OUTSCALE, I had the same problem you had with long runtimes.. i have made a change to the script and have gone from 10hr down to 10-15min. Let me know how i can contribute my changes back and i will send them. I have submitted these change to a few people inside Cisco, but it doesn't look like they have been incorporated into the source code.
Hello Rob, This is awesome, made my life easier thank your so much for sharing.
I just have a question is there any licensing tied to this Script or can it be used freely by any individual/organization.
Thanks in advanced!
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