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Member since ‎03-03-2020

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Zero Day Exploit of Microsoft Support Diagnostic Tool Detection. What components of Cisco Secure Endpoint will detect and block this vulnerability? https://msrc-blog.microsoft.com/2022/05/30/guidance-for-cve-2022-30190-microsoft-support-diagnostic-to...
FireEye experienced a breach. Their APT toolkit was stolen. FireEye is sharing indicators of compromise and countermeasures on GitHub. How can I use Stealthwatch Cloud to detect those IOCs? https://github.com/fireeye/red_team_tool_countermeasures
It's necessary to organize connector endpoints by their location within the Active Directory organizational unit structure in an automated fashion. Deployment documentation suggests group should be defined at the point of connector deployment. This m...
My enterprise has quite a few third party vendors that are remote to my physical location but need to be able to access systems that have access to PII that is protected by DUO. Variables at play for each third party vendor: Multiple individuals.Mult...
Everything working well. Once past initial authentication at ADFS, 2FA prompt comes up on right. The window is pretty small and has a scrolling vertical bar to compensate. This may be cosmetic, but is possibly going to be a lot of calls to my Helpdes...
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Member Since ‎03-03-2020 04:52 PM
Date Last Visited ‎10-26-2022 12:03 AM
Posts 11