Phongthorn Janthakhan
Level 1
Level 1
Member since ‎12-12-2012

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  • 9 Posts
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Everyone Have you problem about alert Email of PI3.1 with smtp of that required SSL/TLS port 465 and 587. Why cisco PI3.1 isn't support ? I think this feature is very simple. Note: Solarwind is support this feature.
How do who know about WLC5508 HA SSO pair both my BOX automatically. Because I have problem about when the power turn off the WLC will be turn off. I saw " show redundancy summery " the WLC cannot pair with HA Box after power turn on.If it power turn...
I need to help with problem.The customer need to turn off LED status. because it installed in room of hotel.The blink LED interference them eye to sleep.I need to know command line for turn off LED of AP standalone mode in firmware version. 15.x.xIt'...
We have configure Ether Channel on Core switch. And then enable feature LAG on wireless lan controller after that WLC will be reboot. and then reboot finished, I saw WLAN menu SSID Admin Status was "Disable" all of SSID.and Interface of SSID changed ...
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Member Since ‎12-12-2012 09:53 PM
Date Last Visited ‎06-27-2021 12:04 PM
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