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Member since ‎01-02-2013

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Hello, I am in search of helpful documentation or advice on how to view IDS specific logs on a Cisco ISA 3000. Currently we have a minimally configured firepower ISA 3000 device configured in our test environment and we are throwing several nmap scan...
Hello,   My questions are not very specific in nature as I do not work often with Cisco devices.  I have been asked recently to help assess security of Cisco devices primarily ASAs and to lock them down.  Currently I have a Cisco ASA 5505 I am testin...
Hello, I have been spending the past few hours trying to find information on a question I was asked.  The question is, "what is the average connect/reconnect time on an average Cisco Network device?  Being an engineer myself I understand this is a v...
Hello, I have been helping off and on a remote office with their network environment and a couple years ago I put in a Cisco Catalyst 2960S 48 port switch using one data vlan and one voice creating a basic LAN design. It turns out over the past few...
Hello, I am hoping someone with more experience and skills can help me with a design question.  We currently have Time Warner Business Class with 5 public IPs.  The manager wants to use a few of the IPs for different usages such as a WiFi guest netw...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎01-02-2013 06:17 PM
Date Last Visited ‎05-14-2019 12:50 PM
Posts 64
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