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Member since ‎07-14-2020

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Attempting to move a gzip file from my Nexus 7710 to a Linux machine on my network... #copy bootflash:File.txt.gz scp:Enter vrf (If no input, current vrf 'default' is considered):Enter hostname for the scp server: username: userno ma...
Hello. I will use dummy-IP's to explain my situation. I am failing a ping test with a server I am attempting to add to my network.  The management interface of the server is set as a private IP ( as part of a dummy VLAN (VLAN 5). I do not...
I am using Nexus 7710 switches on multiple networks and have updated the firmware on a some of the hardware already. The system file is n7700-s2-dk9.7.3.4.D1.1.bin & n7700-s2-kickstart.7.3.4.D1.1.bin is the kickstart file. I was recently informed the...
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Member Since ‎07-14-2020 12:16 PM
Date Last Visited ‎10-21-2020 12:11 AM
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