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Member since ‎09-07-2006

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Does anyone know if 800 series routers support bgp and,if no, which are the protocols that are used. I have a couple of those routers and i thought that it would be good if i used them for practice. I'm open to any suggestion.Thanks
Hi all,I was wandering if i could create a network (ethernet) without IP addresses assigned for the hosts. I mean that if there is any way to communicate two or more hosts only by using their MAC addr 's.
all, can someone give a simplified definition of what exactly the dialer is?
Given that there is a network connected to the inet via ADSL. Can i set the bandwidth to be greater for some specific IP's and smaller for others? If yes, how?
guys, i have a net with 3 pc 's at my office with an internet connection via adsl. I also have 1 pc in my house. How can i get connected remotely so as to monitor the office network.( details pls)
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Member Since ‎09-07-2006 12:56 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:53 AM
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