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Member since ‎10-07-2011

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Hi,I want to install Cisco Contact center demo version to see if our clients like it. Can anyone please tell us from where I can download the Contact Center file because I read it needs a DVD or an iso image to install Contact Center.Thank you for yo...
Hello,My client has a UC540 system. We are trying to connect it to internet. We have got a static ip address, subnet mask, default gateway, primary and secondary DNS ip address from ISP. Can anyone help me configure UC540 so that we can configure our...
Hello,My client has a UC540 system. We are trying to connect it to internet. We have got a static ip address, subnet mask, default gateway, primary and secondary DNS ip address from ISP. Can anyone help me configure UC540 so that we can configure our...
Hello,Can anyone help me configure Cisco IP Conference Phone 7937G with UC560. Is there any special steps to perform for configuration or just as a normal Cisco IP phone connect directly to the router, assign extension using CCA and it will start wor...
Hi Everyone,I am using UC540 at my client site. They are able to access internet using the ethernet cable but are not able to access internet using Wi-Fi. The router is broadcasting the SSID (Cisco-data) and we are able to connect to router, but we a...
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Member Since ‎10-07-2011 02:37 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-19-2020 12:04 AM
Posts 19