Abaji Rawool
Level 3
Level 3
Member since ‎04-09-2012

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Here is another important syntax to test ICMP6 using packet tracer. ICMP (IPv4) and ICMP6 (IPv6) have different type and codes for echo request hence the correct code need to be used while testing  ICMP echo request : Type 8 code 0 ICMP6 echo request...
Here are some basic ASA firewall troubleshooting tips for network traffic passing through the ASA. You can use the commands for basic checks on ASA firewalls.  Task1 : How to check interfaces and security levels in ASA firewall 1.       Login to ASA ...
Here is a an example with commands to capture IPv6 traffic through ASA 1. Configure a access-list with source and destination IPv6 address ASA1(config)#access-list test-cap extended permit ip host 2405:200:802:689::1 any6 2. Create capture on specifi...
    This Video demonstrates Configuring AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client Using ASDM VPN Wizard on ASA (with and without split tunnel options).   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlLl0Ee_kcM
Introduction This  configuration example is meant to be interpreted with the aid of the  official documentation from the configuration guide located here:http://www.cisco.com/en/US/docs/ios/sec_user_services/configuration/guide/sec_role_base_cli.html...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎04-09-2012 11:08 PM
Date Last Visited ‎04-25-2018 01:00 AM
Posts 159
Total Helpful Votes Received 103