Maybe you could provide some details what isn't working for you? It will then be easier to troubleshoot.Try to start "C:\Program Files (x86)\Cisco Systems\ASDM\run.bat" from a command line - any result?Check task manager (or even better use Process ...
Don't worry about modifying the wscript on windows.Just change the startup link to run the bat file directly so it says "C:\Program Files (x86)\Cisco Systems\ASDM\run.bat"You can also troubleshoot this by running the Jawaw directly that is listed in ...
Despite this being an old thread - I just got ASDM up running on Windows 10 Pro, and it is a simpler solution to this issue where you don't have to change anything with the Windows scripting host.Just change the startup link to run the bat file direc...
I solved my issues with CNA and installer / java issues by installing it in a directory that is not under Program Files. The directory I installed into was C:\CISCO and everything came up nicely. I think many of these issues are cause by Windows 7 U...
I am not sure what you are trying to do here, but if you want replace the PIX with an ASA you can use the PIXtoASA converter to translate the config. Depending on your routing setup and available IP addresses, you can then deploy your ASA in parallel...