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Member since ‎02-27-2006

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  • 16 Helpful votes Received
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Hello,I have upgraded our 2 ASA firewalls (Active/Standby) from 8.0.3 to and the memory has gone from 280mb to 450mb, the ASA's have 512mb.Is this normal/ok?I will call Cisco TAC on Monday, but seems quite a jump to me, I'm wondering if it h...
Hello,I'm upgrading my ASA 5520's firmware from 8.0.3 to (not 8.0.5 yet) and I have upload this and the latest ASDM file 6.2.3. How do I tell the ASA to use the new firmware on next reload? I read that the ASA follows configuration order t...
Hello,I need to somehow schedule a Cisco 800 router we have at a remote site to reload/reboot every Saturday night, is this possible?Thanks
Hello,How can I allow remote access via telnet and SSH to our Cisco Pix 515e? The remote comapny is giving me their external IP they will be coming from too, so we can lock it down to that IP.Thanks
Hello,I have setup a new Cisco VPN profile for a customer where they can ony conenct to one server behind my ASA. I have also turned on "Split Tunneling" so he can access his local LAN whie connected, all this works fine.He has mentioned he can't ac...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎02-27-2006 11:59 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:55 AM
Posts 1,462
Total Helpful Votes Received 16