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Member since ‎04-23-2008

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Hi,I am new, I have to design a network with 8 port FXO, so I was wondering if the Cisco 2811 could support two VIC2-4FXO card?
Hi everybody my partner made a mistake changing the config register in romom mode, He put romm1\ confreg 0x2120 then he restarted the router, but only appears signlike ëëëëëëëëë+++++ë.I tried to restart factory defaults whit the reset botto...
Hi,My question is How can I configure NAT with Router Cisco 7200 using virtual interfaces VLAN or Loopback?I have to configure One vlan with Private IPs and the other with public IPsI tried with this configuration but it doesn't work. Any suggestio...
Hi, everyoe I need to connect one c6500 mode Router (Running IOS) and the other one is a c6500 mode switch (running CatOS). How I have to configure each one?Thank in advance
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Member Since ‎04-23-2008 06:54 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:53 AM
Posts 10