Beau Clark
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Member since ‎08-25-2016

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So, I have an IWAN deployment (DMVPN) with 47 sites in the deployment. Most sites have 1 WAN connection and 1 Internet connection that are used for Tunnel 10 and Tunnel 11 respectively. The configuration is pushed out from APIC-EM, so every device is...
So I am running a mix of 6.4.1a and 6.2.3e and on most of my devices, I am getting this alarm:   header_max_limit             HTTP_AO                     http instance May 30 06:25:35.590 EST, ???? Alarm, #000008, 22000:22001 max limit crossed for sp...
So I added a new site to my IWAN infrastructure using APIC-EM and my hub site turned RED.   I try and recover and it gives an error in APIC-EM that says:   "Unable to push CLI 'no class browsing sequence 30' to device ...."   I did a packet capture a...
So I have IWAN pushed out to multiple locations and have run into a pretty serious performance issue. The 2951 router caps out somewhere between 20 and 30 Mbps. The CPU on the router goes to 99%, seems to not be able to handle more than 30Mbps. If I ...
So, I can forward UDP ports 4500 and 500 with no issues. But when I attempt to forward AH, ESP, and GRE, it rejects the NAT commands. In sites where I have a /29, this is easy, I assign static NAT, allow traffic, done.   So, one global IP address on ...
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Member Since ‎08-25-2016 08:21 AM
Date Last Visited ‎01-31-2021 10:40 AM
Posts 43
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