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Member since ‎09-22-2000

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I have a WS-X6066-SLB-APC module in my 6500.  I have a 2nd one in another 6500 and need to replicate these.  I understand there are some commands to get this working and I'm told some of this is automated.  Can anyone point me to links on procedures ...
I'm trying to determine if this IOS image (s72033-ipbase-mz.122-33.SXI) has full EIGRP capabilities.  When I use the Cisco Feature Navigator it says this IOS has both "EIGRP" and "EIGRP Stub" listed.I know that this image (s72033-ipservicesk9-mz.122-...
I have a LAN that consists of two 6500's with SUP720's and about 40 2970's (with a few 2960's mixed in). The 2970s are basically an access layer as they serve as ports for the servers inside my cabinets. Each 2970 is trunked and etherchanneled up t...
Is there a way to schedule a reboot task on a CSS switch? This would be a weekly reboot.
In Cisco IOS on a switch you can do a 'monitor session.....'. There are options for spanning and monitoring a port's traffic or the traffic from a VLAN. Obviously the main difference is that one allows the ability to see all VLAN traffic for a part...
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Member Since ‎09-22-2000 01:33 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:54 AM
Posts 53
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