Danilo Dy
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Member since ‎12-17-2002

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  • 2076 Posts
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Hi, I'm looking for technology where it can detect a camera taking photo/video of laptop screen or detect a camera within a view of laptop webcam. Danilo 
Hi,Using Cisco ASA5510 Security Plus (Post May 2010) with 8.2(1)I was trying to limit the number of internet IP Address that can initiate Remote Access VPN connection to the firewall. I have plan to only allow internet IP Address from few ISPs for co...
Hi,I have PIX 515e, 128MB/16MB, 8.0(4)/6.1(5)51. I just bought ASA 5510 Security Plus (post 8.3)Problem 1 - ASA 5510 Security Plus, 1GB/256MB, 8.2(1)/6.2(1)No problem loading config from PIX 515e- However, I noticed that working in ASDM is slow compa...
Hi,I need advice regarding implementing ddos mitigation at the distribution layer.Internet|WAN Links|Routers|Switches|Firewall per Server Farm|Server FarmI'm thinking if implementing ddos mitigation at the switch using Cisco Catalyst 6500 with Cisco ...
Hi,I was asked, why one hop doesn't show in the traceroute from Server1. Hop #2 supposed to show Can share with me the explanation?Server1C:\>tracert -d route to over a maximum of 30 hops1     3 ms     1 ms...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎12-17-2002 05:05 AM
Date Last Visited ‎09-05-2024 10:38 PM
Posts 2,076
Total Helpful Votes Received 1470
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2011 WAN
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