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Member since ‎09-17-2021

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Hello folks, I was wondering if remote monitoring and data collection methods such as AXL, RTMT, CDR/CMR transfer via SFTP, Syslog and SNMP are still available for developers to collect system metrics and health data in a Webex Calling DI type deploy...
We have a Cisco ISR4321/K9 (v16.12.2s) in our lab. I noticed the following image on the management dashboard of the ISR.We are collecting netflow from this system. Nbarv2 is enabled. Our goal is to collect the data above via telemetry. We checked the...
I am trying to use the following snmp table to collect the counter data for each analog port but the numbers on this table is not reflecting what I am doing to test: DIAL-CONTROL-MIB::dialCtlPeerStatsTable Basically, I am calling an analog fax machin...
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Member Since ‎09-17-2021 01:17 PM
Date Last Visited ‎02-14-2024 12:05 AM
Posts 4
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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