journey jane
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Member since ‎11-16-2021

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Hi all,I have a question about ASA 5525. I would like to know that ASA 5525 Interface can be assigned as subnet 32 network or not. Please kindly suggest if any.
Hello all,Let me ask some helps regarding ISE multiple policy set, i'm trying to configure my policy sets to get segregate for each.For example, we have two policy set as (Building1st-Posture-PolicySet and Building2nd-Posture-PolicySet)For each polic...
Dear all,I would like to ask some helps for my facing ise posture issue. Posture state is pending and pc and get only APIPA address. When i trouble shoot, i have DC_Unknown authorization profile by attaching DACL name = Test_RD1. That Test_RD1 have t...
Hello eveyone,Let me ask some helps or suggestion for my issue. I'm facing the issue when i backup ise via CLI is successful and was failed at 75% via GUI. i thought it may be ftp or tftp server issue (coz i run tftp in my laptop), so i changed anoth...
Dear all,I would like to ask some help that i want to do deny policy at cisco ASA 5515-X base on country. i think it is layer 4 firewall, it is not possible, but i would like to make sure. Anyone can help for it? Thanks much.
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Member Since ‎11-16-2021 08:50 PM
Date Last Visited ‎04-12-2024 12:48 AM
Posts 26
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