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Member since ‎01-07-2008

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Hello,is there a cisco command to check the list of incoming vlans on a catalyst 4640 or at least that will give you the same output?we're having an issue with an ethernet circuit, links are up but ping won't go through(no ACLs) and I want to see if ...
can someone please confirm?119 addresses will be advertized to remote-as 1300 or not?or 119 addresses to 1050 only and 10 addresses to remote-as 1300?how will the config below work?sorry and thanks router bgp 1030no synchronizationbgp log-neighbor-ch...
do you need to have a default gateway to point your traffic to point when you are using BGP?thanks
We have 2 physical telco lines connected into the same sw. it should be configured not to allow the traffic from one to another.However, it seems like it does which shouldn't be the case. Telco vendor confirmed that it is.Here is what our router show...
we have a new line, the carrier DSU is 100M full, we set the router to auto but it becomes half.it doesn't go up when you change it to half or full.Any suggestions what the cause might be?anything missing?Please advise.Thanks
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Member Since ‎01-07-2008 06:56 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:54 AM
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