Router# show ip eigrp topology
EIGRP-IPv4 Topology Table for AS(1)/ID( Codes: P - Passive, A - Active, U - Update, Q - Query, R - Reply, r - Reply status, s - sia statusP, 2 successors, FD is 0 vi...
Mind if I ask a noobie question?How do you differeniate whether the DLCI is a gobal or local?What I understand is local DLCI is locally significance.If you refer to the printscreen attached from my CISCO Textbook, can you tell me how do you know whet...
This particular example problem asks for the smallest subnet number, and the zero subnet is still available (, with broadcast address If the question allowed the use of the zero subnet, the zero subnet ( woul...
Thank you for your clarification.You could be right as the Serial interface and ethernet interface should not belong to the same subnet.I guess it may be a typo to make the Serial interface as its own subnet. If this is the case, I suppose then the c...
Hi Giuseppe,I'm using the LAN concept to define the 3 broadcast domains for this EIGRP example. I'm unsure why do you include the serial interface ( as one of the broadcast domain, as I see this interface in the same subnet as 192.168.8...
Hi Giuseppe,Thank you for your reply.In fact the correct answer provided to me is 3 broadcast domains.As what you mentioned, I suppose 3 broadcast domains will have 3 seperate subnets.In this case the 3 subnets are;; 192.168...
Thanks halijenn .So we are not able to tell from the CISCO IOS command whether DLCI is local or global, as in theory, the DLCI in the router will always be local?