Level 4
Level 4
Member since ‎03-23-2022

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  • 468 Posts
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  • 66 Helpful votes Received
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HelloSo I configured my RA configuration on my FPR1010 for access to my LAN but was curious how exactly would I allow this on my ISR to let me connect to it? Not exactly sure which Ports would be needed opened
So, I currently have an ‘ip access-list extended OUTSIDE-TO-INSIDE’ so if I am correct and there can only be one OUT-TO-IN list, I assume I’ll have to add these to that.Would this be correct; ip access-list extended OUTSIDE-TO-INSIDE   70 permit tcp ...
   *Mar 26 18:52:38.403: %SSH-5-SSH2_SESSION: SSH2 Session request from (tty = 0) using crypto cipher '', hmac '' Succeeded *Mar 26 18:52:47.210: %SSH-5-SSH2_USERAUTH: User '' auth...
HelloSo I wanna verify if maybe this is normal function or a misconfiguration on ACL or a missing one but a DMZ host is mounting a [Samba Share] from an INSIDE Host, on completely different Network, but NO ACL Permitting it... Any ideas?ISR C1111    ...
Yeah, I think I did a no no.After the Nexus reboots it simply stays here;   CISCO SWITCH Ver7.69 Switch G1 Device detected on 0:6:0 after 0 msecs Device detected on 0:1:1 after 0 msecs Device detected on 0:1:0 after 0 msecs MCFrequency 1333Mhz Reloca...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎03-23-2022 08:18 AM
Date Last Visited ‎06-22-2024 04:43 PM
Posts 468
Total Helpful Votes Received 66
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