Hi,There is some confusion here.Please be aware that SNMP and Syslog are two entirely separate things. The 'logging x.x.x.x" command has *nothing* to do with SNMP.You should be able to get all of the information you seek from my Whitepaper published ...
Hi Jamie,Take a look at my WP published here:http://www.cisco.com/en/US/technologies/collateral/tk869/tk769/white_paper_c11-557812.htmlThat should help you with everything you need to get syslog management going in your environment :-)
Hi Adam,You should be able to just add a second, 3rd, 4th, etc. logging host destination to the config.Keep in mind that the best way to manage your logs is to actually send all logs to only one or two (for redundancy) centralized collectors and let ...
I've not tried it in Cygwin before, are you unable to procure (even a very small, as in laptop even) linux server?You may also try the syslog-ng mailing list at https://lists.balabit.hu/mailman/listinfo/syslog-ng, they are very helpful.Also, I would ...