I am running asa804-k8.bin on ASA 5520. License is: VPN Plus We use VPN with cisco VPN-client.for user authentication i am using tacacs server. for example: vpn 1: ASA: VPN Group :Group_APSK :Very...
I have upgraded LMS 3.1 to 3.2. When I was launching topology services, java used to be upgraded from 1.6.0_05-b13 to jre-6u11-windows-i586-p_withjacorb from cisco works server. Also i am using asdm-615.bin on ASA5520. After upgrade of java, i canno...
I cannot launch Topology Services in Campus Manger.When I start it it shows messge, that i need to restart browser.I used to restart my computer, brouser, but I see same message:Any body know, how to fix it???
8.0(4)asdm615VPN plus lisensAccess-list inside-in checks only connections going from inside to dmz or to outside interfaces.Abd do not work for trafic going from outside ot dmz.for example from host located in inside:only 1 rule in acl located on ins...
Now, our VPN users connecting whith Cisco VPN CLient to interface outside.interface GigabitEthernet0/0 nameif outside security-level 0 ip address standby ospf cost 10But we gonna use new IP addresses, so ...
I have try it on my computer, still not work on my computer. On other it works just fine! works on server side.now i have trobble whith my ASDM(615)java version is not good for ASDM and LMS at same time. And i can not instal 2 versions at the same ti...
i have changed access-list from in to out, so now i can not access from outside to inside, but have no limits from inside(((is that possible whithaccess-group inside_access_in in interface insideclose target port 3389 in the inside network?