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Member since ‎07-20-2022

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Hi as per screenshot I need to set some passive interfaces on the attached PKT file.It took me a while to configure the network and everything works like a charm right now but when I set the passive interfaces as per requirements connection is broken...
Hi I have this nat PKT to troubleshoot - it's very similar to a pkt file I posted the other day. I created the access list and I can see with the statistics command that I am only getting the translations if I ping from the server to the pc. From pc ...
Hi everyoneI would like to understand the difference between the various static routes once and for all. I have been watching videos, asking questions on here and I'm slowly starting to get my head around this. However I still have a few doubts about...
"The routers should be using the CISCO default layer 2 WAN protocol" Which protocol is the default layer 2 WAN? Now I am a bit puzzled. Does the above statement means I should use a default route between routers with known ip addresses? I actually es...
Hi everyone.I have this PKT file to troubleshoot. The first issue was that the switches trunk interfaces were missing the allowed vlan's ID which I corrected. Now the pc in VLAN 10 can ping the pc in VLAN 20. However pcs 30 cannot ping. I have compar...
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Member Since ‎07-20-2022 10:03 PM
Date Last Visited ‎09-04-2022 02:00 PM
Posts 99
Total Helpful Votes Received 40
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