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Member since ‎03-12-2010

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Hi, we just finished setting up MacLogon 2.0.0 with Duo Push and Yubikey AES. However, offline functionality still requires the use of the Duo mobile app. Will account based bypass codes made to work eventually? This would be the last step in getting...
Hi, we would like to know, what type of hardware tokens are working with Duo MacLogon 2.0.0. The documerntation notes “OTP Hardware Tokens”, but what are those exactly? E.g., can a Yubikey made to work with MacLogon 2.0.0?
Hi all,I have setup RSPAN between two 2960, which are connected through  6509 VSS. I configured two remote-span VLANs on all three switches and setup soure and destination. The source interface is a trunk port itself, which is connected to our WAN.Af...
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Member Since ‎03-12-2010 11:43 AM
Date Last Visited ‎05-03-2019 01:42 AM
Posts 44
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