Do you recieve any error messages, either before the reboot, or durring startup? What software version are you running? Does this only happen while using Telnet? Can you copy/paste what you are doing on the swtich from before the crash until after th...
Given the equipment you are using, do you have dual NATs right now? Is the IP address on the outside of your Linksys in the private range (192.169.x.x, 10.x.x.x, 172.16-31.x.x)? If so, the first thing I would look at is eleminating the dual NAT. You ...
I'm not that well versed with Cisco's small business devices, but could it be a speed/duplex issue? Check to make sure that both ports are set to auto negotiate, or have them both set to the same speed / duplex.Sent from Cisco Technical Support iPad ...
I have set up three E4200 routers as wireless access points on our network. They each have a static ip and the same subnet mask and gateway that our pcs have. They also have a local address that I can connect to if wired straight into them.I cannot...
Basically what the title says. Here is the layout:1. Comcast modem -> home router/default gateway (linksys e2000) - -> unmanaged netgear hub 1a. from unmanaged hub, everything has a 192.168.1.x address with a subnet mask of ...