Bernhard Roth
Level 1
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Member since ‎04-17-2012

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Hi All! This is a kind of poll in order to find out if someone is using NAT on Dialer on new ISR 4000 series routers (4221, 4321, 4331, 4431, 4451)   NAT on Dialer means that Dialer is used for internet access (PPP) via e.g. VDSL and PNAT is required...
Hello! We have many devices affected by the clock-signal issues. Cisco does replace the units with repaired/fixed ones. I have received some ISR4321 routers with the fix applied (pictures attached). The Cisco provided fix is of - well - mediocre qu...
Hello!Today I was struggling a bit about configuring Cisco FTD (on ASA5506X) with a bypass.Background:A customer has a Cisco 886VA router with a VLAN trunk to its main switch (Cisco 3750).The VLAN trunk carries VLAN 1 (internal LAN) and VLAN 2 (guest...
Hello! I have a test installation of Cisco ISE 2.1 (Patch 2). I have configured a switch with aaa dynamic author, IP of ISE and a shared secret for correct CoA operation. When doing a CoA operation, the switch does complain about a wrong secret. I ...
Hello! We recently bought one of the new "The Greenest Catalyst Switches Ever" to replace old 3750 series. We noticed that the "Hulc LED Process" is consuming more than 22% CPU all the time. IOS: 15.2(2)E3 I have several remarks: 1. When pressing...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎04-17-2012 09:25 AM
Date Last Visited ‎01-31-2021 10:40 AM
Posts 43
Total Helpful Votes Received 71
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