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Member since ‎02-02-2008

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I seem to be having issues trying to use the same Policy on an internal group and a group within AD. Under the Default Device Admin-Identity - Setup a Tacacs rule for a group within AD (rule 1) and duplicated the rule for an internal group (rule 2). ...
I'm looking for a solution/advice to our webauth WLAN. When a user connects, I want them to get a private IP. Once they hit the authentication page and logon, I want them to get a public IP. I have a lot of devices connected to the WLAN, but they're ...
I've been using Airmagnet Spectrum Analyzer, it's been giving me some issues. Been looking at Cisco Spectrum Expert and Airmagnet Spectrum Analyzer XT. Just like to know some folks opinions on one or the other. If one may be a little better or have a...
Is there a relationship between a mulitcast DR and a gateway of last resort? Also, is there any special configurtion needed for setting up multicast on HSRP networks? Currently we are running sparse-dense mode with HSRP and a static RP.
I was running version 4.2.130 on 3 wism blades. Actually one of the controllers in one wism is running a mesh code, so i did not upgrade it. Upgraded all except one (cause it won't upgrade, thats another battle) to And now the controllers...
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Member Since ‎02-02-2008 09:10 AM
Date Last Visited ‎06-28-2018 02:16 AM
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