Hi,I am trying to login cisco jabber in advanced setting I'm account type as a IM&Presence and login server as a presence server IP address. Username and password are default which is given in lab user guide but unable to login. Am I doing something ...
Hello,While reserving the lab I am getting an error:Error occurred during "Provisioning" stage, See additional entries in the Activity Feed for more information.06:17:12 ERROR: OOB Setup script returned errorsDriver:UDC_EnvironmentDriver_E_v02Functio...
Hii Team,I am getting an error "Connection to the Server cannot be established (Certificate Exception)"from Cisco Unified Serviceability>Tools>Service Activation>Server(hq-cups.abc.inc--CUCM IM and Presence)To resolve that following steps I have foll...
Hi,I have changed the bosh url as per given in https://developer.cisco.com/docs/jabber-web/#!im-and-presence-how-to-use-jabber-im-core-apis/hows-it-work. domain: "abc.inc", httpBindingURL: "http://cup.abc.inc:7335/httpbinding", ...
@imprash could you please guide what we have to put here domain: "<domain>", httpBindingURL: "https://<server>:7335/httpbinding", unsecureAllowed: falseActually I did same as described in posts but still having same iss...
Hi @Roger Kallberg,As per your instruction, I have posted same question in DevNet https://community.cisco.com/t5/devnet-sandbox/other-sandbox-issues/m-p/4797471 but yet now didn't get any help or solution.Thankyou,NIkita
Hi @Alexey Smirnov, I followed the same step as you described, when I tried to navigate , got the error 'refused to connect' . I am attaching variables is this correct which we configured? domain: "hq-cups....