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Member since ‎02-19-2003

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I'd like to manage a switch (3550-24) which is located in a branch-office, connected to a cisco836ADSL-router, which is connected to my inside-network via a pix525. All traffic is transported in a vpn-tunnel (Ipsec). I tried to configure the uplink-p...
We have a PIX 525 which crashes and reboots serveral times a day. Sometimes it works for a few hours without any problems, sometimes just a few minutes.Is there a known bug or might it be a hardware-problem. (It worked properly for over a year before...
I have to move our Pix525, resulting in a long distance between the outside interface, which is a pix-1-GE-66, and our ISP. The interface is now connected with a multimode-connection to the ISP-router, but in the new situation I will have to use a si...
We placed 2 new 3550-switches in our existing network. Configured them both as vtp-clients. But no newly made or already-existing Vlan's are available after connecting to the router (which is configured as VTP-server, 3550-12G).VTP-Revisions are chec...
After our Gigabitethernet-interface broke down, we replaced it in our PIX 525.The new interface itself works fine (link ok, TX/RX ok, lineprotocol up ). Ping to the ISP from the PIX itself works fine, but not from clients connected to the inside. Not...
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Member Since ‎02-19-2003 04:14 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:50 AM
Posts 12