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Level 1
Member since ‎05-05-2023

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  • 16 Posts
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  • 4 Helpful votes Given
  • 2 Helpful votes Received
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I am trying to get router/switch backups sent to our new cloud storage in Azure. I can't get them to connect. I have sftp debugging on and am getting the four logs below from each sftp transfer attempt I make. I am responsible for the cisco side of t...
I have a location with a 50Mbps MPLS Circuit. I have been investigating reports of slowness and I have found on their WAN interface a bandwidth of 5000. This interface also has a QoS policy set on it. The QoS policy has a cir 10000000 (bps). I believ...
 I am trying to add the no loggin show username command to both our DR-firewall and our Production. I am getting an error when I try to assign it to my production firewall. It already has a FlexConfig Policy assigned to it. Can a device only have one...
The output below is from the show policy-map interface command. I was reviewing this and was wondering if this device's bandwidth is being restricted by this policy. We have a 100mbps connection for this router. I noticed the bandwidth allocations do...
I have a pair of stacked 3850s that are powered by two PSU connected to the same UPS. I need to replace that UPS and I am wondering if it is possible to add a PSU to spare slot in each switch and connect it to a different UPS. The device is critical ...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎05-05-2023 06:43 AM
Date Last Visited ‎05-28-2024 01:05 AM
Posts 16
Total Helpful Votes Received 2
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