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Member since ‎05-11-2023

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  • 8 Posts
  • 1 Solutions
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Hi,Does anyone know the XML configuration for configuring a SIP password on a cisco ata 190 or a cisco 8831 ? I looked everywhere and found nothing. Is it possible to indicate this in the XML configuration?Unfortunately, I don't have access to cucm a...
Hi,I wanted to know if it was possible to obtain the "do not disturb" and "redial" functions on the screen of the cisco 8832. I saw this was possible via the CUCM but I don't have access to it. Do you know if it's possible to add these functions usin...
Hi,I can't get the right time zone (for France) on the cisco 8831. I have a two-hour time difference. I've seen that this is a fairly common problem but I haven't managed to solve it yet...Unfortunately, I don't have access to cucm and the cisco 8831...
I would like to update the firmware of a Cisco ata 190. I don't have access to the CUCM so I want to do it from the GUI. I have downloaded the firmwares from the cisco website and when I go to the GUI of the ATA to insert the files, I get this error ...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎05-11-2023 04:19 AM
Date Last Visited ‎05-28-2024 01:05 AM
Posts 8
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